When you think of Made in USA, what comes to mind? Hard working employees and companies working fully on domestic soil? High prices? Patriotism? Or,… innovation and quality?
“The strengths of America’s international standing continue to be innovation, opportunities and vibrancy.” – Simon Anholt, British Branding Consultant & Creator of Nation Brands Index. According to the most recent survey, U.S. ranked first for international reputation for the fourth year in a row.
It is a popular movement to claim Made in USA and it is wonderful for many reasons, but when we thinking of being USA Made, ‘Quality’ and ‘Innovation’ are the most important things to consider.
We here at FlexySystems USA do so by leveraging environmentally friendly material and are the only company to gain the exclusive rights to use corn-based phthalate-free PVC Material. We pride ourselves on the quality of the promotional products we make as well as how to innovate our custom manufacturing process.
Being USA Made means “we care” and we want to get it right. Not just for popularity, but for good.
Contact us now for a price estimate on your promotional items.