
Which Social Media platforms are the most effective for B2B?

September 17th, 2016

Which Social Media platforms are the most effective for B2B?

Social Media Label

Originally Facebook and Twitter were the big players in B2B marketing, but as imaging sharing websites like Pinterest and Tumblr started reaching the top, both Twitter and Facebook have faced challenges in truly reaching businesses for marketing purposes.  As we all know, networking is the most important part of marketing and it is challenging to weed out the real content from the wide spread popularity of ‘sharing’ images.  You want to get right to the source.  How can you ensure you are reaching the right customers for your B2B Company?  The answer is LinkedIn.   According to the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Trends Report, “LinkedIn tops the list of the most effective social media platforms with 85%”.

You can find Flexsystems USA on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.  We are a B2B Manufacturing company, which makes PVC custom labels, key chains, wristbands, and many other innovative items to help represent your company.