
Inspire Youth To Be Makers in American Made Culture

April 30th, 2015

Youth - American Made ImageAmerican Made – For the Next Generation

The American Made movement is not just for adult consumers and business owners. Our youth is our next generation of American Made makers. Instead of waiting, inspire them now! There are programs that can help encourage youth to be makers, such as The Maker Education Initiative where they assert that every child is a maker!

In 2010, the Young Makers program was started in the Bay Area as a small collaboration between Make, Pixar, and Exploratorium. “The mission of the program is to develop youth into confident and capable individuals through the process of making”. There is no better way to encourage the future of job creation in America.

Coming up in a couple of weeks on May 17th & 18th is the Maker Faire Bay Area. There will be a variety of programs and ways you can participate. Here is a list of projects that Young Makers can get involved with! https://makerfaire.com/tag/young-makers

What Makes An American Made Maker?

Teach children about community. Teach them why American jobs are important for their future. Teach them that they can contribute by using their skills and talents. Inspire the youth and let them have fun doing what kids do best; create!