ARM-LOC Water Safety Device

ARM-LOC Water Safety Device – 2D Label USA Made for harsh environments

ARM-LOC reached out to Flexsystems regarding the branding for their signature product. Due to sever wear and tear that the product experiences, they needed a label that would withstand the elements and be legible after years of use. We suggested out USA made 2D PVC label, meant to last in both hot and cold climates


ARM-LOC is an easy to use, water rescue device that gives rescue responders an extra arm when saving people in water disasters. The ARM-LOC slides onto the victim’s forearm and the rescue responder or the victim pulls the yellow lanyard that deploys and locks the device into place- eliminating the need for the victim to grasp the rope. It can also help float the victim when the victim pulls the device close to his or her chest. IT can deploy in seconds and re-deployed over and over again. ARM-LOC is and easy to use, lifesaving device that will give police, fire and rescue responders an extra arm in saving people trapped by various water disasters. It can be used for floods, hurricanes and tsunamis as well as ice and rapid water rescues and snowmobile accidents.

Not Just a Water Rescue Tool

The purpose of this burn test was to determine what would happen to the ARM-LOC once it was sprayed with fire proof spray used on the space shuttles for reentry. This product was provided by Sun Seekers owner Jim Moseley. It allows the device to withstand direct flames. Our product sat on direct flames for 3 minutes and only melted and did not catch fire. It also still worked once we doused it with water. Our hope is that fire fighters can use ARM-LOC for rescueing injured and trapped fire fighters/victims. This is called RIT which stands for Rapid Intervention Team.  


Technical Specs
